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Meet Lina from Brazil

Niko Wang

Lina came all the way from Brazil to participate to the program. She has enjoyed her time in China and after finishing her traineeship she will be travelling around the country. While staying in China, it is a great opportunity to get to know the country better by visiting all the amazing places.

Please introduce yourself and where are you located in China

My name is Lina, I'm from Brazil and I was placed at Intercontinental Hangzhou.

How long you have been in China? How long are you going to stay and do you have any travel plans during/after the program?

I did a six months management traineeship in Food & Beverage and now, after completing my trainee, I'm doing a 19 days backpacking through Mainland China and Honk Kong.

How is the experience so far? What have been the challenges and highlights of your stay in here?

I was lucky to be able to live in the hotel, it was a bit challenging because I was leaving where I worked but it definitely was a interesting experience. During work, the most challenging part was dealing with the cultural difference but it was manageable.

Why did you choose to come to China in the first place?

I had just graduated in Hotel Management and, in his industry, Chinese people are the biggest piece of the market so, by coming to China, I was interested in learn more about it's people, it's culture and what are it's needs and wants towards the hospitality industry.

Would you recommend this experience for others who are interested of coming here?

Of course, even if you are not interested in the professional part of it, the whole experience provides a personal growth that will change you for the rest of your life.

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