芬兰名校专升本 ​ 体验管理 服务管理 旅游管理
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Haaga Helia Tuition

Students are divided into smaller groups with other students from the same degree program. Each group is assigned a more senior student mentor to help with practical issues related to study: course registration, developing individual class schedules, finding places on campus. More experienced students can provide valuable help on these issues. Student services and degree program staff will also introduce themselves and help new students from the start.

Students will learn about online services, campus facilities and many other important practical issues during orientation. In addition, the series of social events dedicated to them has a larger purpose: they are designed to welcome every new student to the LUT community.

A staggering number of events and new information and dozens of new friends - maybe even friendships that last a lifetime. This is how most LUT graduates look back on their first week of LUT.

  • 了解负责任的商业行为在建立企业和社会价值观方面的重要性

  • 能够为可持续的国际经济的利益而工作。

If you need to pay tuition fees, you can get the following incentives负责任管理教育原则 (PREM)倡议的芬兰应用科学大学。

A scholarship of EUR 6,000 for the second academic yearFIBS ry 的多样性宪章.

负责任的 Haaga-Helia 项目是大学的内部项目,旨在促进我们自身职能以及教学和研究工作中负责任的业务运营的实施和发展。

Course and Degree Structure

Besides learning, LUT is about life, hobbies and celebrating together. ​

Study guides describe the structure of each degree programme, study modules (such as major and minor subjects) and individual programmes and their learning outcomes. The degree structure is the foundation of your personal study plan, and you will prepare it with the help of peer tutors, the school's student services and the degree programme's faculty tutors.

With our two campuses in Lappeenranta and Lahti, the essential elements of student life are in place from the start. Students in technology and economics have seen this for decades. They build a community where everyone is cared for. We do not leave friends, whether they are studying in the technical or economic fields at LUT University, or at LAB University of Applied Sciences.

The scope of each course is expressed in ECTS credits. The number of credits reflects the workload of the course. One ECTS credit corresponds to an average of 26 hours of work by students. Each course is worth at least one credit, while broader courses requiring more than one hour may be worth up to 10 ECTS credits. A course can be taught in one or several periods, and each course can be taught one or more times during the academic year.

It's easy to get involved in various activities, clubs, guilds and other hobbies because everyone is helped and treated friendly. Because of the great atmosphere and unforgettable experiences, one thing unites those who started their studies with us and those who have graduated from LUT: the time spent as students was the best time of their lives so far.

The combination of compact design, top-notch service, high-quality education and a unique team spirit is a valuable experience for most of our students, one that will be remembered with a smile even decades later.

Haaga-Helia 的课程和学位课程遵守负责任的商业行为。在实践中,这意味着学生可以选择在他们的项目工作和论文中研究和发展企业环境责任。在新课程中,我们还从全面问责的角度来考察经济原则。

Courses are usually assessed on a scale of 1-5 (5 being the best grade) or pass/fail. In addition to test scores, other factors may also affect the final grade of the course.


快乐的 Haaga-Helia

开发 Haaga-Helia

开发 Haaga-Helia 部分的目标是确定 RDI 活动中的可持续性元素。原则上,所有 Haaga-Helia 项目都至少要对项目的先决条件和影响进行适度的责任分析。此外,Haaga-Helia 还积极研究与责任相关的主题,例如共享经济、可持续旅游和循环经济。 

Haaga-Helia 的战略和价值观

Haaga-Helia 的使命是为未来的职业打开大门。我们的目标是让我们的学生获得高质量的就业,我们希望为工作生活敞开大门。我们是国际化的、勇敢的工作生活改革者。





  • 勇气,体现在我们强烈的实验文化精神。

  • 问责制,一个重要的例子是我们对气候的承诺和投资政策。

  • 协作,在一起工作我们不仅仅是一个人 ,团队的力量总是比个人的力量要强大。

  • 透明度,让我们分享我们的技能和知识。

  • 尊重,表现为对他人的欣赏和对自己行为的谦逊。







我们的故事始于 19 世纪后期。以下教育机构都是 Haaga-Helia 过去的一部分:

  • Privat Handelsläroverket i Helsingfors (1881)

  • Suomen liikemiesten kauppaopisto (1898)

  • Porvoon naisopisto (1912)

  • Suomen urheiluopisto (1927)

  • Tehtaitten Koulu Oy (1944)

  • Malmin kauppaopisto (1957)

  • Porvoon kauppaoppilaitos (1958)

  • Helsingin Sihteeriopisto (1967)

  • Hotelli- ja ravintolaopisto (1969)

  • ATK-instituutti (1972)

  • Porvoon matkailualan oppilaitos (197?)


芬兰应用科学大学体系创建于 1990 年代。第一个许可证授予成立于 1991 年的 Haaga Institution University of Applied Sciences。次年,Helia 商业与应用科学大学也获得了运营许可证。在 1990 年代的萧条时期,人们希望相信更美好的未来以及期待可以拥有接受优质教育的机会。

下一个重大变化发生在 2007 年,这两所应用科学大学合并,成立了 Haaga-Helia 应用科学大学。


在 Haaga-Helia,我们自豪地回顾过去,同时牢记教育始终着眼于未来。教育回应时事需求——事实上,它非常预测社会未来的需求。这是它的活力和能量的基础。


今天的 Haaga-Helia 承诺为工作生活敞开大门。当作为 Haaga-Helia 过去的一部分的第一批教育机构成立时,也给出了同样的承诺。


Our Values

EAHM recognises and embraces the following values where the student is distinguished by the hallmarks which in combination ensure that our graduates are both recognised as highly professional and highly sort after by employers. We refer to these hallmarks or personal characteristics as the 'Three A's:


Attitude: An EAHM student is encouraged to show an exemplary and positive attitude towards themselves, their fellow students, EAHM staff, Jumeirah colleagues and all external stakeholders.


Attention: Attention is key in the culture of hospitality: attention to self, to the others, and ensuring people feel comfortable and respected.

Attire: Students across all programmes of study at EAHM wear business attire, as future professionals. The EAHM Grooming Guide illustrates what is expected daily on campus.

Our Values-01.png

Our Vision

"To be a world leader in facilitating university-level learning, scholarship and applied research in the fields of tourism and hospitality management."


EAHM seeks to build the required human resource capacity for the regional and international industry by proving the highest possible standards of business, hospitality and tourism education, combined with the transfer of applied knowledge form industry, and access to high quality internship experiences.


Our Mission

EAHM is committed to fulfilling its distinct mission:


"To deliver world-class, innovative, industry-relevant education and research in a contemporary, multi-cultural environment to equip the next generation of hospitality business leaders with competencies to succeed in a dynamic world."


Our Goals & Objectives


"To promote academic excellence in a professional context" and to:


  • Provide quality education in hospitality and tourism management.

  • Creating innovative experiential learning environments conducive to student development.

  • Pursue and produce applied research in hospitality and tourism.

  • Fostering partnerships with industry and government bodies and promoting international outreach with recognised universities and institutions.

  • Progressing global recognition for high-quality academic programmes and graduate employability.


This is EAHM

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