芬兰名校专升本 ​ 体验管理 服务管理 旅游管理
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  • 芬兰公立大学,北欧教育最高标准认证

CHT International School of Management adheres to the school-running characteristics of "international vision, industry focus, and application of knowledge". It has a team of teachers at home and abroad with rich teaching and practical experience, including 3 doctors and 8 masters. In the talent training program, we implement English teaching and use the combination of practice and knowledge to create international management talents required by the industry.

  • 科研能力和教育水准在芬兰的应用科学大学中排名第一

  • 毕业生就业率、校友在世界级企业管理岗位覆盖率、国际学生满意度,均为芬兰第一

  • 芬兰哈格哈里亚应用科学大学获中国教育部备案


一.   权威认证 —— 学士学位获中国教育部认证及国际承认。

二.   顶级教育 —— 芬兰教育体系全球领先。

三.   直通名校 —— 直升芬兰最大商学院,大学多项排名芬兰第一。

四.   安全放心 —— 芬兰是世界上最安全的国家之一,中芬关系友好。

五.   就业保障 —— 安排芬兰实习,全球高端就业机会推荐。

六.   移民便利 —— 毕业后芬兰就业一年,可申请移民。

七.   英语教学 —— 在国内快速提升英语及学习能力,提前适应海外留学生活。





哈格哈里亚应用科学大学培训销售、服务和创业方面的专业人才,并开展与这些领域相关的研究和开发。约11,000 名哈格哈里亚的学生在五个不同校区组成了一个国际化和多元文化的学习社区。


哈格哈里亚应用科学大学在芬兰拥有5 大校区,其中帕西拉哈格马尔米3 大校区位于有“波罗的海明珠”之称的北欧大都会、芬兰首都赫尔辛基,另两座分校分别位于“芬兰六大中世纪古城”之一的波尔沃,和“芬兰度假天堂”维埃鲁姆斯基


2020年芬兰在世界幸福报告中排名第一,根据预期寿命、社会支持、社会支持、慷慨、自由、信任政府, 健康等因素。



Reasons to Apply

  • Face new and exciting challenges as you gain international exposure.

  • Live, learn and work closely together with students from over 60 countries, in a truly multicultural environment.

  • Become an intern at world-class hospitality brands anbenefit from our unique partnership with the international
    hospitality group Jumeirah Hotels & Resorts.

  • Learn from experienced industry professionals.

  • Experience the exciting heritage and diverse culture of Dubai and the UAE.

  • Join in with student-led activities that are run throughout the year, including national celebrations from every corner of the globe.


Your opportunity

This is your chance to grow, learn and thrive in the first and only university in the Middle East to specialise in hospitality, to embark on a rewarding, lifelong career.


EAHM specialises in providing business management degrees with a hospitality focus. And with study programmes recognised across the globe, strong partnerships with the industry and proximity to some of the best hotels in the world, it’s truly the best place in the world to launch your career

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World-class teaching

A number of EAHM faculty members are recognised internationally by organisations such as the World Tourism Organisation and the United Nations as experts in their field.


All our faculty members draw on their extensive industry experience within their teachings and most have PhD qualifications.



作为 Haaga-Helia 的学生,您将在整个学习过程中得到支持,并享受多项学生福利。您的学生卡可让您享受各种学生折扣:午餐、运动和公共交通等。 

作为学生,您将有权使用芬兰学生健康服务。请注意,医疗费用必须在 2021 年 9 月 30 日之前支付给 Kela(芬兰社会保险机构)。交换生和开放大学学生无权使用 FSHS 服务,因此无需支付费用。

Haaga-Helia 的学生会 Helga 是学生的社区和安全网:Helga 是您自己的声音、利益倡导者和服务提供商。Helga 在 Haaga-Helia 发展学生文化,并确保每个学生都受到社区的欢迎。工作服、导师和活动是运营中最显眼的部分——在后台,Helga 围绕高等教育和市政政治以及学生个人财务安全和其他社会问题的主题不断工作,以确保您获得最佳的学习体验. 

A partnership to kick-start your career


​​We’re an integral part of international hospitality group Jumeirah Hotels and Resorts, giving you the chance to explore the inner workings of its world-class properties. Jumeirah has been regarded as the most luxurious and innovative group in the world for over two decades, something backed up by its numerous international travel and tourism awards.


As a part of Jumeirah Group, EAHM students can gain first-hand experience working in a range of five-star hotels in the UAE and beyond. You can also see for yourself how a world-famous brand operates its human resources, food and beverage, marketing and more.




We are proud to be associated with Dubai and the world’s luxury brands to avail attractive prospects to our students. With our wide range of internships at the finest partners in the industry, 100% of our students have received the chance to taste a slice of the hospitality industry even during the pandemic in 2021.

As part of their three-year programme, students will have a 6-month paid internship after the first year where they will have the chance to put their classroom learning into practice in various positions such as:

  • Learning & Development Intern, Burj Al Arab

  • Culinary Intern, Atlantis

  • Human Resources Intern, Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group

  • Guest Service Executive Intern, Madinat Jumeirah

  • F&B Intern, Jumeirah Al Naseem

  • Front Office Intern, Mariott International

Find your opportunity!


HOSCO is chosen to be the primary networking and career development platform for The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management. Our students and alumni have access to HOSCO, a platform providing them with the networking opportunity to find and interact with other EAHM alumni & students. It also acts as a portal for hospitality jobs in over 80 countries across the world empowering the hospitality industry by connecting, inspiring, and providing opportunities to all its professionals around the world.

Study in Dubai with EAHM

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