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About CHT
The Official Portal of the UAE Government
General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs-Dubai
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国名: 芬兰共和国(The Republic of Finland,Suomen Tasavalta)。
面积: 33.8万平方公里。
人口: 553.9万(2021年5月)。芬兰族占93.4%,瑞典族占5.6%,还有少量萨米人。芬兰语和瑞典语均为官方语言。72%的居民信奉基督教路德宗,1.1%信奉东正教。
首都: 赫尔辛基(Helsinki), 人口65万。夏季平均气温17.1℃,冬季平均气温-1.8℃。

• Most popular global destination in the world in 2022 by TripAdvisor.
• The most luxurious city in the world by The Economist Intelligence Unit in 2022.
• 3.45 Million people, with 85% Expats.
• UAE ranks 1st globally for women’s community safety by Georgetown University survey in 2021.
• One of the most innovative city in the world ranked top 20, making it a global hub for business growth.


If you’re looking for the best things to do in Dubai, we have you covered. Achieving the #1 position on the global list of Tripadvisor Travellers' Choice Awards for Best Global Destination in 2022, Dubai certainly has a lot to offer its visitors. There are so many fantastic places to visit in Dubai – from stunning beaches to theme parks, shopping malls to desert escapes. With the unending list of activities and experiences, you will never get bored when in Dubai!
Here are one of the top 5 unique things to check off your list:
DeepDive Dubai
Museum of the Future
Dubai Frame
Ski Dubai
Desert Safari

Known as "the city of the future", Dubai is a leading centre for research and development (R&D) in emerging industries. The emirate creates an ecosystem for innovation and future-proofed business models through its output and performance, powered by tomorrow's thinking.
The Global Innovation Index ranked UAE amongst the Top 3 innovation economies in the Northern Africa and Western Asia region, and 36th globally. With approximately 85% of the population being expatriates of over 200 nationalities, Dubai has also ranked in the Top 20 of the most innovative cities in the world making it a global hub for business growth.
Some of the present and future innovations of Dubai include the Virgin Hyperloop, Museum of the Future and DP World Cargo Speed. Invested in significant growth industries and smart city development, Dubai aspires to be listed amongst the top five global commerce, logistics, finance, and tourism centres.

UAE came out on top by Georgetown University's Women, Peace and Security Index, with 98.5 per cent of women stating they felt comfortable travelling alone in their areas at night, making it the highest percentage worldwide. Similarly, Gallup Global's 2021 Law and Order reported that the UAE scored 95 per cent as well in terms of being the safest place in the world.
UAE has served itself as an ideal nation for the entire world where women not only feel the safest but also empowered with a rising number of women leaders in the hospitality industry.
UAE has one of the lowest crime rates in the world with almost non-existent street crimes in the city as stated by Safe Cities Index 2019, The Economist Intelligence Unit.
Dubai is a luxury playground like no other! Home to some of the most iconic infrastructure and a wide array of luxurious hotels in the world like the Burj Al Arab, Dubai epitomises understated glamour. In fact, the average hotel occupancy reached 74% in the beginning of 2022, one of the highest in the world.
Fulfil your luxe dreams through gigantic shopping malls that house every designer label imaginable, trendy lounge bars with stunning city views, to ridiculously extravagant spas. Being the most luxurious city in the world in 2022 by The Economist Intelligence Unit, life in Dubai is one you will not want to get away from.

Explore the traditions and heritage of the UAE as it dates back to 50 years of the hospitality of Emirati culture. The nation has evolved rapidly and dynamically, modernising its routes and ways but still keeping its legacy intact and embedded with the richness of its people yet welcoming other cultures into its home by welcoming more than 7 million international visitors in the first half of 2022. Experience the authentic culture of the UAE by wandering through the alleys of the Al Bastakiya Quarter or visiting the Al Marmoom Camel Racetrack.

In the Middle Ages, Dubai was well-known for the selling of pearls and being a centre of trade. Today, Dubai challenges and amazes the world with its futuristic architecture and ambitious visions of an ever-cosmopolitan city
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哈格哈里亚是芬兰一所以商业为导向的应用科学大学。 通过教育、研究和开发,为商业和服务培养专业人士,专注于合作、创业、创新和国际化教育。最早于1991年成立的哈格理工学院和赫尔辛基商业应用科学大学,于2007年再度合并成为如今的哈格哈里亚应用科学大学。其拥有超过11000名学生,650名专家,和5大校区。其科研能力和教育水准在芬兰的应用科学大学中高居榜首,是北欧最为耀眼,培养优秀高端人才的著名学府。学校国际化程度和国际学生满意度双高,校友在世界著名企业管理岗位覆盖率,以及毕业生就业率均为芬兰第一。哈格哈里亚始终牢记教育始终着眼于未来, 教育应当回应时事需求并预示着社会未来的需求。
哈格哈里亚的故事中充满了许多人,充满了勇气和开拓精神。 这些东西也是其不变的核心的一部分。 哈格哈里亚致力于创造新的工作生活。哈格哈里亚的运作和发展方式与顶级团队在团队合作中的运作方式具有相同的特征。 团队愉快合作,并始终以最好的成绩为目标。
芬兰拉彭兰塔工业大学(Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT)是芬兰一所开创性的科学大学,自 1969 年以来就将科学和商业领域融合在一起。学校由大约7500名从事科学研究和学术教育的学生和专家组成。LUT 拥有与商界紧密联系的传统。 芬兰商业期刊《Talouselämä》将 LUT 评为芬兰商业技术合作方面最好的大学。 LUT促进科学研究产生的商业。 LUT 大学也高度重视气候行动,该大学是全球气候行动排名前 9 的大学(THE Impact Rankings)。LUT 是一所国际科学大学,开展强大的学术研究,并在该研究的基础上提供高等教育。它提供以工作世界需求为导向的教育,并开展应用研究、开发和创新活动以及艺术活动。LUT 的专业研究主要集中在能源、空气、水和负责任的商业上。